Monday, March 15, 2010

Baby J WIP Complete....for now....

For now, I am calling her done. I really want to put a background color in, but I don't know what color...and so my instinct is telling me to leave it as is for now. If I decide to do a background, I can always do one later. But for now, we'll leave it, until I get the other 2 in the series done, and see how it all looks in a frame together.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Baby J WIP #2

I worked a little bit more on Baby J today. There was something off about it, but I couldn't see just what it was, so I pulled it into photoshop and layed it over the original reference picture. The red lines are how off I was from the reference. Tomorrow I will fix it, and possibly finish it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Baby J Portrait

So I've started my next portrait. This is #1 in a series of three. I had wanted to draw my best friend's baby for Christmas, but I did not have the time. Now that the holidays and the wedding are all behind me, I will get it done and give it to her late. I bought a long frame that has a mat cut with three 5x7 openings. I plan to draw 3 different reference pictures of this baby and put them in the frame for her.

After that, I have yet another picture of this baby that I want to draw larger than 5x7.

This is 5x7, Prismacolor colored pencils on Uart 800 sanded pastel paper. I should be able to work on it some more and possibly finish this weekend. Will post an update as soon as I have one. :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

I completed Claire's portrait a few days ago. Or at least, think I did. I'm still waiting for her to reply to my email to let me know if she likes it. At this point, it is possible to make changes. I have not blended with the stencil brush, and it is fairly easy to lift color with sticky tack.

While I wait for Claire to respond, I have been going through my reference photos for my next project. But there are too many pictures that I want to draw...and I can't decide where to start.

So that is where I am now. The wedding and honeymoon are over, and I promise to more actively post to this blog. So I am hoping to have something to post tomorrow. Until then... :)